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Byodo-In Temple is a half-size-scale replica of the Byodo-in Temple, a United Nations World Heritage Site near the ancient city of Kyoto, originally a monastery founded by Fujiwara no Yorimichi in 1052 of the Heian period. It was famous for its Vairochana statue. The statue was lost and replaced in 1053 with a large wooden statue of Amitabha (Amida Nyorai), a national treasure of the Empire carved by the Japanese artisan Jocho. Amitabha stands in the midst of the Phoenix Hall or Hoodo, an artistic reproduction of Amitabha Tathagata's Western Pure Land. It is called Phoenix Hall in reference to the two phoenixes stretching their wings upon the temple roof. Fifty two wooden images of Bodhisattvas surround the Amidtabha, dancing and playing musical instruments on floating clouds.

Since 2001, the temple has undergone restoration that will continue through 2007 in the spirit of preservation of Japan's ancient heritage.

Source: Wikipedia: Byodo-In Temple[]