Secret Spirit Agents Wikia
Battle 3.1
Sola4 Story Render
Run for cover, Shotty!
Dojigiri Yasutsuna Story Render
Cease this pointless struggle, witch!
Dojigiri Yasutsuna Story Render
Or I'll kill you, too!
Look at all these brutes!
Master, don't let them get near me! Please!
[Battle Start]
Shuten Doji Story Render
Y-you...saved me.
Poison S. Brew Story Render
Don't speak, my dear. It'll only hurt more.
Kintaro Story Render
Well, this is just great!
Kintaro Story Render
This is what you get for risking you life over a girl!
Sola1 Story Render
Stay as still as possible, Shotty.
Sola1 Story Render
We'll deal with the brutes!
[Battle End]
...I think we've turned them back for now.
Poison S. Brew Story Render
Let's tend to Doji's wounds before she calls more reinforcements.